The Little Joeys, our Toddlers are vibrant and bouncing with endless energy. They are actively exploring the world around them so Gross Motor movement and Music are a huge focus in the curriculum. So much learning and development is evident during this phase and therefore a wide range of opportunities to explore literacy, numeracy, language and cognitive experiences are all included in the daily program. While the Toddlers are more confident with gross motor movements and are acquiring a wider vocabulary but are still learning how to express their emotions. Much time is spent encouraging children how to identify and manage their emotions to regulate their own behaviour with positive guidance and support from their educators who role model appropriate social behaviours, learning to compromise, to be respectful of others and to take turns.
This can also be a challenging time for families who as they tackle the treaded 'toilet training'. Our educators will assist with this in every way possible but it is important to remember that each child is unique and will be ready at different stages.
The Toddlers are encouraged to further develop their growing independence and self help skills as they learn to dress themselves and take care of their belongings. All efforts deserve praise regardless of whether they have done it correctly or not.
This is also the time when toilet training usually begins which can sometimes present with challenges. Our experienced educators will work with families to ensure a positive toilet training routine is implemented both at home and at the centre. It is very important to remember that each child is different and only when the child starts to show an interest in going to the toilet will we suggest starting with toilet training.
Learning of basic numeracy and literacy concepts will be taught through the creative arts of song, dance, drama and visual creativity to ensure that children develop a love for learning.
Learning Through Play